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Member Resources

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In 2006, the turf industry voted to implement a compulsory levy. The levy is collected by the Australian Government and then managed by Hort Innovation. It is the responsibility of Hort Innovation to work with the industry to invest the levies.

Turf Australia, as the Prescribed Industry Body for the Turf levy, liaises with Hort Innovation, to represent its members and help determine appropriate and strategic levy investments which include industry development, research and marketing initiatives.

The levy investment ratio is 80% research and development (these funds are then matched by the Government) and 20% marketing.

The levy rate is 1.5 cents per square metre of turf. This amount is payable to the Federal Department of Agriculture – levies by all businesses that grow and sell more than 20,000 square meters of turf in any year.

For more information visit: Dept of Agriculture, Water and Environment

Turf Fund Annual Investment Plan 2024/25

Each year, turf industry representatives meet as advisory panels to discuss investment recommendations in line with the turf Strategic Investment Plan (SIP). At these meetings, the panels are provided with a financial forecast and an investment analysis of current investments. Based on this information, they provide Hort Innovation with advice on priorities for investment for the upcoming year

Click here to learn more

Turf Levy Strategic Investment Plan 2022 – 2026 

The overarching strategic intent of this Strategic Investment Plan (SIP) is to improve the profitability, efficiency, and sustainability of the Australian turf industry through implementing sustainable best management practices (BMPs) and creating demand based on these sustainability credentials and benefits of turf products to Australian consumers.

The turf SIP 2022-2026 provides a roadmap guiding Hort Innovation’s investment of turf industry levies and Australian Government contributions, ensuring investment decisions are aligned with industry priorities.

Click here to review the SIP

Levy Annual Report 2022-2023

Hort Innovation produces an annual report with each industry levy the Annual Report for 2022-2023 is available on the link below.

Click here for the annual report

Turf Industry Census – October 2021

In October 2021 Turf Australia undertook a Turf Industry Census, to provide all turf production businesses a unique opportunity to have a say in the next major levy-funded project for the Turf Industry.

This Census included an online survey and focus groups. The result saw 43% of the turf industry involved in the Census.

The final report is now available.  This report will be utilised by Hort Innovation and the Strategic Investment Advisory Panel (SIAP) when planning the next industry development project funded by the turf industry levy.

This Census was undertaken within the Turf Levy funded project – National Market Development Project for the Australian Turf Industry (TU16002).

Final report

Turf Impact Assessments 2021

During 2020/21, Hort Innovation engaged independent consultants to evaluate the impact of turf research and development over the five years ending 30 June 2020. The assessment provided insights into the type and magnitude of impacts generated from Turf Fund investments. The evaluation revealed a range of economic, social and environmental benefits being generated for turf growers, supply chain participants and the community at large.

Click here for short fact sheet on Turf Impact Assessments

Click here for more details

Growers at the helm: How industry shapes Hort Innovation investments

When it comes to driving growth in horticulture, who better to lead the way than the growers themselves? At Hort Innovation, we ensure that industry voices shape research, trade, and marketing investments, and it’s growers like Mark Scott from Nannup Fresh Fruit and Fiona Hall from Biteriot Cherries who are taking the lead.

Click here to learn more

How the Turf Levy is Collected

Many growers will be familiar with the Hort Innovation Turf Levy. But how much do you know about the path that levy funds take from farmgate to allocation of research and development projects and the role of the key players along the way?

Click here to view the fact sheet

Horticulture Sustainable Framework

The interconnection between economic, social and environmental outcomes are core to the sustainability of Australian-grown horticulture and its people.

A sustainable horticulture sector is one that is vibrant and prosperous, produces food to nourish and plants to nurture people and communities worldwide, provides fulfilling employment and protects our environment now and for future generations

Click here for full report

How the Turf Levy is Driving the Future of Your Turf Industry

Developing more profitable business practices, researching new and more efficient production methods and ensuring the community is aware of the benefits of turf is vital to the ongoing viability of the Australian turf industry.

Click here to download fact sheet

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