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Turf Production Tools

Tools & resources for your farm

Discover our range of tools and resources designed to support turf growers. This section provides essential documents and guides to help improve efficiency, streamline operations, and optimise turf production practices. Whether you’re managing day-to-day tasks or planning for the long term, these resources are here to help you achieve outstanding results.

Options for minimising the impact of drought on turf farm production

This document discusses strategies for minimizing the impact of drought on turf farm production. It is based on a study funded by the NSW Government Sector Recovery and Resilience Grant and conducted by AgEnviro Solutions. The research involved assessing 24 turf farms across NSW, with a focus on areas severely affected by the 2019 drought.

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Smart Irrigation for Profit – Phase II

Minimising evaporation from water storage podcast

Smarter Irrigation for Profit Phase II is a partnership between cotton, dairy, sugar, rice and grains, research organisations and farmer groups. SIP2 builds on Smarter Irrigation for Profit Phase 1 which enabled research in areas of irrigation system audits, irrigation scheduling, new technology, system design and water use efficiency. Phase 1 demonstrated that improved water productivity hinged on ‘Getting the Basics Right’. It found that participating Australian irrigators could achieve a 10-20 percent improvement in farm profitability by adopting best practice and precision irrigation technologies.

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Management of Buffalo Grass Yellowing

Yellowing is a very common disease symptom in grasses, caused by many independent agents. It is important to get good diagnostic advice before applying any treatments. Some common causes of buffalo grass yellowing are described below.

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Grower Resources For Improving On-Farm Energy Efficiency

Energy costs time, money and resources to produce. So naturally, as turf growers, we want to be using as little of it as possible to produce our turf.

A strategic levy-funded project An Environmental Assessment of the Australian Turf Industry with a Lifecycle Assessment (TU16000), has explored how energy use is applied on different farms and provides some insights into how to measure energy use and ultimately become more energy efficient.

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